

Ten Standard >> Nuclear reaction

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Nuclear fusion


Understanding Nuclear Reactions: Nuclear reactions encompass alterations that transpire within the core of an atom. These reactions are distinct from chemical reactions, which involve changes in the electron configuration surrounding the nucleus. Nuclear reactions can result in the formation of new elements, release of vast amounts of energy, and profound alterations to atomic structures.

Exploring Mass Defect: Mass defect is a fundamental concept in nuclear physics that arises from Einstein's famous equation, E=mc². According to this equation, energy (E) is equivalent to mass (m) times the speed of light (c) squared. In the context of nuclear reactions, the mass of the resulting nucleus is slightly lower than the sum of the masses of its individual nucleons (protons and neutrons). The difference in mass, multiplied by the speed of light squared, yields the energy released during the nuclear reaction.

Nuclear Fission: Nuclear fission entails the division of an atom's nucleus into two or more smaller nuclei, leading to the liberation of a substantial quantity of energy. This phenomenon was first discovered in the 1930s by Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann and later explained by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch. Nuclear fission is commonly initiated by bombarding heavy nuclei, such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239, with neutrons. This results in the formation of two smaller nuclei, called fission fragments, along with the release of additional neutrons and an enormous amount of energy.

Example of Nuclear Fission: Uranium-235 An example of nuclear fission involves the reaction of uranium-235 (\(^{235}U\)) with a neutron (^1n). The resulting unstable compound, called uranium-236 (\(^{236}U\)), undergoes fission, yielding two smaller nuclei (fission fragments), such as krypton-92 (\(^{92}Kr\)) and barium-141 (\(^{141}Ba\)), along with the release of three neutrons and a substantial amount of energy:

\(^{235}U + ^{1}n → ^{236}U → ^{92}Kr + ^{141}Ba + 3 {^1n}\) + Energy


Nuclear Fusion: Nuclear fusion is the process in which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a single, more massive nucleus, accompanied by the release of an immense amount of energy. Fusion reactions occur under extremely high temperatures and pressures, as found in the core of stars or during thermonuclear experiments. In fusion, lighter elements, such as hydrogen isotopes (deuterium and tritium), fuse together to form helium and release a tremendous amount of energy in the process.

Example of Nuclear Fusion: Deuterium and Tritium An example of nuclear fusion involves the reaction of deuterium (D) and tritium (T) isotopes to form helium-4 (\(^{4}He\)), releasing a neutron (\(^{1}n\)) and an enormous amount of energy:

\(^{2}D + ^{3}T → ^{4}He + ^{1}n +\) Energy

This fusion reaction is the basis for experimental fusion reactors, aiming to harness the energy of the Sun on Earth.

       In conclusion, nuclear reactions, such as nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, bring us into the intriguing world of the atomic nucleus. Mass defect provides insight into the energy released during these reactions.

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